
處處祖藍 Cho Lam Everywhere


祖藍希望透過輕鬆的歌詞帶點正能量給大家,如第一首歌派台歌《擒擒青》就是有關事業﹣﹣叫大家要做自己,不要擒擒青上位;親情方面有《成就》﹣﹣寫爸爸心中最大的成就是孩子開心快樂,不管孩子有沒有很大的成就;還有《餅印》,一首寫給媽媽的「情歌」,寫現在很多青年人可能會對媽媽黑面,可能會嫌媽媽麻煩,但其實都是很愛媽媽的;友情方面有《大隻佬》,鼓勵大家有事不妨找朋友傾訴,不要一個人死撐;還有講單身生活的《豬豬BB Un咕咕》等等。

《處處祖藍》包含這樣多類型的歌,相信無論是工作中的你,上學中的你,為人父母的你, 為人子女的你,單身的你,蜜運中的你,都可以從中找到一點點共鳴。香港朋友十一月二十七日去各大唱片店就可以買到,至於海外朋友則可以到yesasia訂講了。

Cho Lam's first album "Cho Lam Everywhere" will be released on November 27. The songs in "Cho Lam Everywhere" covers many areas, including family, friend, love and work, with different styles, including R&B, Jazz and musical. Cho Lam wrote 8 lyrics himself as he wishes to share a positive attitude with the audience through those lyrics. For example, "haste (擒擒青)" suggests one should be true to him/herself while climbing up the corporate ladder; and "achievement (成就)" is about the greatest achievement of a father is knowing his child lives a happy life, rather than what his child achieves. With such a board coverage, "Cho Lam Everywhere" is suitable for everyone. So, get one (or even more) at yesasia now :) .

王祖藍首張個人大碟 – 處處祖藍
推介 冠軍歌 - 擒擒青

01. 擒擒青
02. 豬豬BB Un咕咕
03. 單身料理
04. 天使低低B
05. 成就
06. 餅印
07. 幪面俠
08. 大隻佬
09. 美女與野獸
10. 夏天的尾巴

產品名稱 Product Title: 處處祖藍 Cho Lam Everywhere
推出日期 Release Date: 2008-11-27
語言 Language: 廣東話 Cantonese
Publisher: EEG 英皇娛樂集團 EEG Emperor Entertainment Group (HK)

4 則留言:

~*Babyhamsterkean*~ 說...

em..may i noe dat CHO LAM's album will b release to MALAYSIA(perak) or nt??=]

王祖藍 Wong Cho Lam 說...

I am not sure. Could you get it at yesasia (http://www.yesasia.com/global/cho-lam-everywhere/1013417674-0-0-0-en/info.html)?

~*Babyhamsterkean*~ 說...

Oh..thanks so much for yea helping..=]..well...there's nt writen le...if u cn...if u gt any news about cho lam's album will b release to MAlAYSIA..cn u pls tel me..thanks..=]

匿名 說...
